NDP Gatherings

NLP Gathering

Venue (A): Waruku Restaurant@ The Central (next to Clarke Quay MRT)
Venue (B): Waruku Restaurant @ Marina Square
Time: 1PM
Date: 9 August
Day: Thursday

Confirmed attendees:
1. Pinkpink
2. Blurbelle
3. QQ?
4. Linda Seah
5. Veryberry?
6. Carol
7. Joelle + HB + Seth
8. Giolyn + HB + Clyde
9. Bellpepper
10. Huajing


QQ said...

alamak, marina ? will it be too crowded since its NDP? i dunno where they celebrate it, but sure got fireworks.

joelle said...

ya hoh... sure very crowded since they will go early for the parade. plus parking sure big problem!

starhub centre wan too small izit? the central wan good or not? someone was going to recce first right? =p

Peiling said...

i'v been to waruku for lunch. super crowded and noisy. also, the seating is not v conducive for our gathering since we hv lot of babies and prams around leh... plus the traffic will be quite bad... how uh?

Carol said...

agree tt marina area will b super crowded n diff to park. mayb shld picnic at botanic gdns?

huajing/Carine said...

Hi mummies,
can I join your for the catering?

Kaiser aka Dudu said...

I wanna join too..can include me & BB?

Blurbelle said...

wats the status on the venue huh? still at waraku?